
Document upload workflow experiment

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@timbl and I were talking a bit about how it might be helpful for me to better record my efforts to use the databrowser in order to help us zero in on the most important workflows for a normalish user. This is one attempt to do so, but please let me know if there's a better place or method for me to record such things.

I took offline notes during a meeting this morning and would like to upload them to a place where the attendees can see them.

Step 1
I click my browser bookmark for and arrive at this screen.

Screen Shot 2019-07-31 at 10 39 17 AM

I don't see any menu options, and I don't exactly know what this green plus sign does. When I hover over it I get a pop up dialogue that says "Add another tool to the meeting." This is confusing because I don't know what meeting that refers to.

Step 2
In any case, it's pretty obvious these triangles represent dropdown menus so I figure I'm looking at a bunch of folders. I click the triangle next to "2019" and open a submenu with numbers representing each month. Click the triangle next to "07" and I see a short list of filenames with a staggered pair of plus signs underneath.

Screen Shot 2019-07-31 at 10 47 07 AM

I click the topmost plus sign and get an array of icons. I hover over them to try to find out what they mean. Some make sense to me, some don't. None of them says "upload a file," which is what I'm trying to do.

Step 3

So because I personally have been here before, I drag the .txt file where my notes live on top of the green plus sign. The file I'm trying to upload appears in the file list as I expected.

Screen Shot 2019-07-31 at 10 50 27 AM

Note that I've already taken care to maintain our strict naming conventions in order to keep meeting notes in the correct dated order. From what I can tell, the folder tree automatically sorts files numerically/alphabetically based on the filename with no way to change the order later. What I'd prefer is a way to sort by date, or drag them around into an order that makes sense to me.

I believe your observations are spot on. I agree it would be nice to add a drag and drop feature to the order of the files so that they can be placed in an order of importance, including but not limited to, a feature to arrange by date of creation, and/or, use of the current naming convention.