
Translate language names, skill names, occupations etc into user's language if necessary

Opened this issue · 3 comments

timbl commented

Where a value if a key in a public database like Wikidata or ESCO, which contains labels, then if necessary go to the databases in real time to render the label in a language the user understands.

If there is an existing label stored in th e profile which is in the user's preferred language set, the just use that.

timbl commented

Need more language support library functionality

Should there be a preferred language checkbox/boolean switch or should the preferred language be the first index position in the languages[] array?


line 356 ui:ordered true; # Allow user to order languages most important first.

In solid-panes, while the editProfile.view pane is loaded, the user can press up and down. But it does not allow the ordering of languages.

The message popping up claims the language is ordered, but after a refresh this is not true.

This issue may be solid panes related because the SPAQRL query exists for querying the languages in profileFormText.ttl.
