
Discovery code: typeIndex still throws a 404 in the console when resource missing

Closed this issue · 2 comments

For the publicTypeIndex file creation when we have none: the code returns a 404 fetchFactory.js:35 GET 404 (Not Found) which theoretically should already be solved on L35 of utilityLogic however something is wrong and it is not taken into consideration.

How to reproduce:

  • Log into test server
  • Go to my profile card in storage
  • delete line 'solid:publicTypeIndex </settings/publicTypeIndex.ttl>; for testing missing PUBLIC typeIndex
  • Remark: for publicTypeIndex -> the new triple was added to the profile card but is missing 'settings'. Not sure if this is ok

The 404 was investigated and it is only thrown once because it is not yet created on the stack of calls. Does not cause any problems.

  • public typeIndex ttl is created on root
  • private typeIndex is created wherever the pref file is (so by default most of the times in /settings/ in SolidOS).


return sym(preferencesFile.doc().dir()?.uri + 'privateTypeIndex.ttl')

From Tim on gitter "I’d prefer to have by default preferences and private type index files together as they are both private. So easier to organize the access
I thought default for the public type index was in the same folder as the profile, not the root "