
Disable automatic inference feature in the store

timbl opened this issue · 1 comments

timbl commented

The current main quadstore has some automatic inference tuned on. (3) ["sameAs", "InverseFunctionalProperty", "FunctionalProperty"]

This means it is combining together into one NamedNode things which are linked using owl:sameAs or things which have the same value for a FunctionalProperty or InverseFunctionalProperty. This should be turned off, by explicitly making a an IndexedFormula with no features.

The smooshing mode is useful when you are spotting things which are the same in a mass of data you trust. But in general in solid world, the client has to be more careful, and must do any such inference itself.

Maybe we should switch the default for rdflib, as as most new users won't expect the smooshing.

Merged with #22