
Tutorials for using rdflib.js

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Tutorial for using rdflib.js

This tutorial will walk you through what rdflib.js can do.


rdflib.js is a library for fetching, parsing and serializing RDF data in various formats/serializations (Turtle, RDF/XML, RDFa, etc).

It helps to be familiar with general RDF terminology before working with this library:

RDF Primer

Namespace shortcuts

The system uses javascript objects for RDF symbols. Generating them for predicates is simplified by using a namespace function, turning them into prefixes:

var RDF = Namespace("http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#")
var RDFS = Namespace("http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#")
var FOAF = Namespace("http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/")
var XSD = Namespace("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#")

So now, instead of typing the whole URI for your predicate, i.e.:


You can type:

var foafKnows = FOAF('knows');

RDF term types

These are types of nodes in the RDF graph. We call them terms because they are like terms in a language when you think of RDF as a real language.

What How Term type
Node identified by a URI x = $rdf.sym(uri) symbol
Blank node x = $rdf.bnode() 'bnode'
Untyped Literal x = $rdf.literal('abc') literal
Typed Literal x = $rdf.literal('8080', undefined, XSD('int')) literal
Literal with language x = $rdf.literal('car', 'en') literal
Ordered list x = $rdf.list([node1, node2]) collection

Creating a data store (graph)

var store = $rdf.graph()

Fetch data into the store from the Web

You can also load data from an existing URL into the store you just created.

var store = $rdf.graph()
var timeout = 5000 // 5000 ms timeout
var fetcher = new $rdf.Fetcher(store, timeout)

fetcher.nowOrWhenFetched(url, function(ok, body, response) {
    if (!ok) {
        console.log("Oops, something happened and couldn't fetch data " + body);
    } else if (response.onErrorWasCalled || response.status !== 200) {
        console.log('    Non-HTTP error reloading data! onErrorWasCalled=' + response.onErrorWasCalled + ' status: ' + response.status)
    } else {
         console.log("---data loaded---")

an easier version is now:

   await fetcher.load(linkToUIontology)

Load data into the store from a buffer/string

Sometimes you may need to load data coming from a file or a buffer. Rdflib offers a helper function that simply parses a string (containing RDF). This function takes the following parameters:

  • body - the RDF statements (content to be parsed)
  • store - the graph/store object where the RDF should be parsed to
  • uri - the URI of the resource (named graph)
  • mimeType - the mime type corresponding to the data that needs to be parsed
var uri = 'https://example.org/resource.ttl'
var body = '<a> <b> <c> .'
var mimeType = 'text/turtle'
var store = $rdf.graph()

try {
    $rdf.parse(body, store, uri, mimeType)
} catch (err) {

Using data in the store

There are two ways to look at RDF data in a store. You can synchronously use the each() and any() methods and statementsMatching(), or you can do a query which returns results asynchronously.

The each(), any() and statementsMatching() take a pattern of subject, predate, object and source, where for each() and any() one of s p and o are undefined and source may be undefined or not. For example, using $rdf.sym() to make an object for an RDF node (symbol),

var me = $rdf.sym('https://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/card#i');
var knows = FOAF('knows')
var friend = store.any(me, knows)  // Any one person

or using the vocabulary namespace straight away

var me = $rdf.sym('http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/card#i');
var friend = store.any(me, FOAF('knows'))


When one of the terms of the triple is set as undefined, it then serves as a wildcard. In this case, the formula returns the object of a matching triple.

var friend = store.any(me, FOAF('age'), undefined)  // Any one age value

Alternatively, you get a javascript array of objects using each().

var friends = store.each(me, FOAF('knows'), undefined)
for (var i=0; i<friends.length;i++) {
    friend = friends[i]
    console.log(friend.uri) // the WebID of a friend

Wildcards in statements

An alternative to using each() comes in the form of statementsMatching(), which returns an array of statements that match a specific triple pattern.

For example, we can obtain all the statements having foaf:knows as a predicate. This way we obtain an array of all the people and all the friends they have. Then it's up to us to decide what information we want to use, may that be the subjects or the objects of those statements.

var friends = store.statementsMatching(undefined, FOAF('knows'), undefined)
for (var i=0; i<friends.length;i++) {
    friend = friends[i]
    console.log(friend.subject.uri) // a person having friends
    console.log(friend.object.uri) // a friend of a person

Adding data

The add(s, p, o, w) method allows a statement to be added to a formula. The optional w argument can be used to keep track of which resource was the source (URI) for each triple. Objects in a quad can either be nodes (URIs) or literals.

To create a node, use $rdf.sym(). To create a plain literal, use a simple quoted string.

store.add(me, FOAF('knows'), $rdf.sym('https://fred.me/profile#me')
store.add(me, FOAF('name'), "Albert Bloggs")

For a literal with a language attribute and/or data type, use $rdf.lit(). The example below shows how you can set a dateTime data type for a date value, where dateTime is an RDF property described by the XSD vocabulary.

$rdf.lit('2016-02-29T21:44:31+00:00', '', XSD('dateTime'))

// produces -> "2016-02-29T21:44:31+00:00"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime>

For a language tag, you can pass the shortname value (e.g. en) to the second parameter of the $rdf.lit() function.

$rdf.lit('Hello world!', 'en')

// produces -> "Hello world!"@en

The each(), any() and statementsMatching() functions in fact can take a fourth argument to select data from a particular source. For example, I want to find only the friends in my foaf file, so I force use of my foaf file as the w argument.

var myFoafFile = $rdf.sym(uri)
var friendsInMyFOAF = store.each(me, FOAF('knows'), undefined, myFoafFile)

Examples of applications using rdflib.js

Here are a few examples of applications that use rdflib.js. For a full list, please see the Solid app list.