

SolidZORO opened this issue · 0 comments


  • leaa-api
    • Order
    • Product
      • Specs (universal property)
    • Warehouses
    • Stocktaking
    • Statistics
    • Booking
    • Coupon
    • Promo
    • Payment
      • Alipay
      • Wechat
  • leaa-dashboard
    • Order
    • Product
      • Specs (universal property)
    • Warehouses
    • Stocktaking
    • Statistics
    • Booking
    • Coupon
    • Promo
  • leaa-www
    • Account
      • Login
        • Phone
      • Register
        • Phone
      • Forget Password
      • Profile
        • Upload Avatar
        • Bind / Unbind OAuth Account
    • Cart
    • Checkout
    • Payment
      • Alipay
      • Wechat
    • Order
    • Product
    • Booking
    • Coupon
    • Promo


  • _leaa-common
  • leaa-api (demo) / backend (Nest.js + TypeGraphQL + MySQL + Docker Compose)
    • Auth
      • Email
      • Wechat
      • Wechat MiniProgram
    • User
    • Role
    • Permission
    • Article
    • Attachment
      • Local
      • OSS
      • OSS sync to Local
      • @2x to @1x
    • Ax (Ad)
    • Category (infinity level)
    • Tag (word segmentation by NodeJieba)
    • Logger
    • Seed
    • Setting
  • leaa-dashboard (demo) / dashboard (React.js + Antd + MobX + Apollo / GraphQL)
    • Auth
    • User
    • Role
    • Permission
    • Home
    • Ax (Ad)
    • Category (infinity level)
    • Tag (word segmentation by NodeJieba)
    • Article
      • WYSIWYGEditor
    • Attachment
      • Drop to Upload
      • Drop to Sort
    • Setting
    • Error Boundary
    • Responsive Design
    • i18n
  • leaa-www (demo) / website (Next.js + GraphQL)
    • Home
    • Account
      • Login
        • Email
        • Wechat
      • Register
        • Email
        • Wechat
      • Logout
    • Article
      • List
      • Item
    • Banner Swiper
      • Support Retina @2x
      • Image Lazyload
    • SEO (HtmlMeta)
  • leaa-miniprogram / wechat-miniprogram (Taro.js + GraphQL)
    • Home
    • Account
      • Login
      • Logout
    • Article
      • List
      • Item (Rich Text)
  • leaa-app / iOS and Android (expo + GraphQL)
    • Home
    • Account
      • Login
      • Logout
    • Article
      • List
      • Item (Webview)