
A simple yet customisable program written in go to make hackerman-like terminal effects.

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Go Report Card

stuntman v1.0.0

a simple program written in go to make you look like a hackerman with cool terminal effects


Obviously speed isn't visible because those are images and not videos

stuntman -text -spaces 100 -loweronly -width 90 -speed 35 -color green

alt text

stuntman -binar -color red -spaces 10 -speed 20 -width 90

alt text

stuntman -custom 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 -color green -speed 55 -spaces 1 -width 100

alt text

stuntman -text -color rainbow -speed 40 -loweronly -spaces 70 -width 100

alt text


Build from source

git clone https://github.com/Solirs/stuntman

cd stuntman

sudo make install

Precompiled binary

Download the release tarball in the releases.

tar -xvf stuntman_release_*.*.*.tar.gz

cd stuntman_release_*.*.*

sudo make install


Should work on any Unix-like operating system, especially if you build from source.

I personally tested stuntman on the following:

  • FreeBSD 13.0-Release (Working)
  • Arch Linux (Working)
  • Fedora 35 (Working)



sudo make uninstall

Use guide


Displays the help menu


The color of the text, can be cyan, blue, red, green, purple, or white.


The delay between every new lines in milliseconds


Gap between every new line


Generate ascii text
Only generate lowercase characters and special symbols
Same as loweronly but for upper


Generate ones and zeroe's

-custom foo,bar,eggs

Generate lines from a custom set of given strings separed by ",".


The width of the effect in rows