
Game event detection stopped working?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, I forked your repo and started a Haptic Gun project: The game event detection was working until today. Im not sure why it stopped sending game events.

at game start, It triggers and logs the GameEvent Game Reloaded with WeaponType.None but then it does not log anything anymore after.

this part of the code in HalfLifeAlyxGameMonitor.cs , PureEventString returns an empty string instead of e.g. player_shoot_weapon :

                        ParsedIndex = EventTextPool.IndexOf("\n", EventIndexStart);
                        if (ParsedIndex < 0)
                            ParsedIndex = EventTextPool.Length;
                        int StartParsing = EventTextPool.LastIndexOf("\0", ParsedIndex);
                        string PureEventString = EventTextPool.Substring(StartParsing + 1, ParsedIndex - StartParsing - 1);

ParseEvent still gets executed but Event is empty string.

any help is appreciated. thanks

Solla commented

Thanks for letting me know that.
However, I don't have any VR HMD now, so I cannot reproduce the issue.
I saw your repo and realized that you have used the repo of bHaptics as an alternative.
I think that is a clever way to solve this problem.

Aside from that, I saw your commit log about the bug of SteamAPIHelper.
The bug was due to the upgrade of Steam and had been solved by the latest commit.

I cannot promise that I will fix the bugs due to the lack of resources, but I will try my best to solve it.