
Implementation for MVVM using Qt5 with hierarchical data bindings

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


This repo is inspired by Antya Dev code for mvvm-quick/Qt framework demo.

The kernel data structure used here is a nested hierarchical data, like Main.SubData.SubSubData , aka the object tree, which demonstrate the viability of manipulating complex nested data structure using a single QMLView. No ViewModel is explicitly needed.

Preview shown below:

Simple Usage

Input any of Main, SubData, SubSubData TextBox would change all of the TextBoxes, and the Encrypted value TextBox would change with encrypted value accordingly. Clear Text would reset all the text boxes.


  1. return QObject* in each hierarchical model

    Q_PROPERTY(QObject* subModel READ subModel NOTIFY subModelChanged)
    QObject *subModel();

    to facilitate the object chain in QML bindings

    Binding { target: mainModel.subModel; property: "subData"; value: subTbx.text }

    Note that the subModel could be directly used in Binding target;

  2. Use bidirectional bindings in QML

    TextBox {
            id: subTbx
            x: srcTbx.x + 20
            y: srcTxt.y + 50
            width: 348
            height: 27;
            Binding { // one-way binding
            	target: mainModel.subModel
            	property: "subData"
                value: subTbx.text 
            Binding { // the-other-way binding
            	target: subTbx
                property: "text"
                value: mainModel.subModel.subData 

    Binding values of backend model and TextBox Control

  3. Signals and Slots connections in Models

    // PROPERTY declaration
    Q_PROPERTY(QString subData READ subData WRITE setSubData NOTIFY subDataChanged)
    // catch the QML update timing, emit signal
    void MainSubModel::setSubData(const QString &data)
        if (data != data_) {
            data_ = data;
            emit subDataChanged(data_);
    // connect slot
    // use slot to process
    void MainSubModel::slotSubDataChanged(QString arg)
        // update parent model data
        // update child model data

Test Environment

  1. Windows 10 x64
  2. Visual Studio 2017 x64
  3. Qt 5.12.6 x64

