mobsf-ci:0.3.0 not found
YuryPashkov opened this issue · 4 comments
I've tried to run mobsf-ci:0.3.0 with using docker app as mention here and got following error
Error: failed to resolve bundle manifest "": not found ERROR: Top level object in 'None' needs to be an object not '<class 'NoneType'>'.
I've use docker version 19.03.1, build 74b1e89
Can you try the same command just without tag? it seems that the tag does not exist
Now I get the output invalid media type "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json" for bundle manifest
It's pretty old, and I don't have the time to fix the docker app build - can you try following the guide without docker app? Of course, if you have time and you want to investigate why the docker app thing is not working, a PR is welcomed :)
Hi there! The maintainer of this repository left the company some time ago and we archived the repository at that time. I'm closing out some old issues as part of a cleanup to our GitHub repositories.
If you're still using this solution, please migrate to an alternative as soon as possible. Thanks!