
hivefeed-js silently crashes when unable to get current signing key

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Log at time of error.

[2021-08-11T20:09:15.637Z] Querying Bittrex (hive/btc)
[2021-08-11T20:09:15.637Z] Querying Binance (hive/btc)
[2021-08-11T20:09:15.637Z] Querying Ionomy (hive/btc)
[2021-08-11T20:09:15.637Z] Querying Huobi (hive/btc)
[2021-08-11T20:09:15.637Z] Querying Poloniex (btc/usdt)
[2021-08-11T20:09:15.638Z] Querying Bittrex (btc/usdt)
[2021-08-11T20:09:15.638Z] Querying Binance (btc/usdt)
[2021-08-11T20:09:15.638Z] Querying Kraken (btc/usdt)
[2021-08-11T20:09:15.638Z] Querying Huobi (btc/usdt)
[2021-08-11T20:09:15.638Z] Querying Bittrex (usdt/usd)
[2021-08-11T20:09:15.638Z] Querying Kraken (usdt/usd)
[2021-08-11T20:09:16.259Z] HIVE/USD is: 0.465 USD per HIVE
[2021-08-11T20:09:16.259Z] Attempting to publish feed...
A problem occurred while getting current signing key
Most likely the RPC node is down.
The error returned was: Internal Error
Switched node to
Will retry in 60 seconds
(node:10826) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: ReferenceError: reject is not defined
    at delay.then.catch (/home/shmoogle/hivefeed-js/app.js:207:51)
(node:10826) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 1)
(node:10826) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.