
Install guide for Windows!

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It was a nightmare trying to install it on windows, I spent about 6 hours finally find a way to make it work, following are main problems I encountered along the way:

Assume you already initialize your conda environment, and cloned this project

In windows, use cmake --build . instead of make

When build [DMeshRenderer](, if you encounter error:

  • fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'glm/glm.hpp': No such file or directory


  1. Installing Vcpkg:

    git clone
    cd vcpkg
    # Add environment variable: VCPKG_ROOT = "Your vcpkg directory" e.g. C:\Users\reall\Softwares\vcpkg
    # Add same path to Path environment variable
  2. Install GLM: vcpkg install glm

    Copy glm folder from vcpkg\packages\glm_x64-windows\include to your conda environment’s include folder

When build & install **[OneTBB](**  if you encounter error:

  • CMake Error at src/tbb/cmake_install.cmake:51 (file): file INSTALL cannot find "C:/Users/reall/Softwares/Miniconda/envs/AI3D_Exp/_Projects/dmesh/external/oneTBB/build/msvc_19.39_cxx_64_md_release/tbb12.dll": File exists.


  • oneapi-src/oneTBB#708 (comment)

    cd external/oneTBB
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install -DTBB_TEST=OFF ..
    cmake --build . --config release
    cmake --install . --config release

Install [CGAL 5.6.1 - Manual: Using CGAL on Windows (with Visual C++)](

When build cgal_wrapper, if you encounter error:

  • dmesh\external\cgal\Installation\include\CGAL\config.h(111,10): error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/config.hpp': No such file or directory


  • In dmesh\cgal_wrapper\CMakeLists.txt add additional line after target_include_directories() to include_directories("boost folder’s parent folder, e.g. C:/Users/reall/Softwares/boost_1_85_0")

When build DMesh (running pip install -e . in dmesh directory), If you encounter error

  1. LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'cgal wrapper.lib’


    • Move cgal wrapper.lib from dmesh\cgal_wrapper\Debug\ under dmesh\cgal_wrapper
    • Or move it to other include library path, check dmesh\
  2. LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'gmp.lib’ or 'mpfr.lib’


    • Move gmp.lib or 'mpfr.lib’ from vcpkg\packages\gmp_x64-windows\lib or vcpkg\packages\mpfr_x64-windows\lib to your conda environment’s libs folder


Awesome work based on a great idea. But a little suggestion, if you want people to use your work and create more useful tools or research papers with it, then you definitely want to put in some effort to make it easy to install. This project is easily one of the hardest project I ever installed.

Cheers, have a good day :)

Thanks for your effort in writing the installation guide for Windows, I really appreciate it.
Unfortunately, me and all of my collaborators worked in Linux environment, we did not have a chance to test our project in Windows environment.
In the Readme, we will specify that the installation guides are for Linux environment, and direct Window users to this guide.
Sorry for your inconvenience, and thank you again for writing this guide.