
Metrics analyzer for Razor: Lines of code are outside the range of the file

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Community report:

The razor source generator of .Net SDK 9.0.100-preview.3.24204.13 produces a file with missing #line default and #line hidden directives for using directives:

                #line (1,2)-(2,1) "File.razor"
                using System.Net.Http

                #nullable disable
                #nullable restore

Instead, the generated code should look like so:

                #line (1,2)-(2,1) "File.razor"
                using System.Net.Http

                #line default
                #line hidden
                #nullable disable
                #nullable restore

As a result, we count the ; as code line but the mapping is beyond the length of the file if the using is the only content of the file like in _Imports.razor

How to fix:
We need to make sure, the range added here is within the document:

return Enumerable.Range(start, end - start + 1);