【错误或体验】网络抓包时,Google Play无法联网;网络抓包没有停止功能。
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Android-Freshman commented
Search before asking
- I searched in the issue and found nothing similar. | 我查找了并确认issue列表无相似报告。
Sonic version
Deploy platform
服务器:Mac上的虚拟机,CentOS 7.9,内核版本:5.4.230-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64,内网IP:
Agent: Mac OS 11.7.10
手机: 三星Galaxy A8 GM-A530N,Android 9, API 28,三星官方系统
Minimal reproduce step
启动网络抓包后,Google Play无法联网。
Are you willing to submit a PR?
- I'm willing to submit a PR! | 我将发起PR!
ZhouYixun commented