
runing apis-main

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I have several questions about running apis-main:

  1. With bash, connection refused, error message as follows:
    (HARDWARE:LOCAL:ERROR:E001) Communication failed with Device Driver ;$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: localhost/ [$Sender_.lambda$executeWithRetry_$1(]

The error message pops after bash, bash, bash, communication connection among different apis-main could not be established.

  1. What is the expected output with running apis-main alone? Is it Log files?

  2. Is the dcdc exchange 1-to-1 or N-to-N? So far, I have observed 1-to-1, 1-to-2, 2-to-1 power exchange between different apis-mains.


  1. Is it possible to have dynamic changes in the scenario.json files for energy sharing?

Thank you for clone the software!

  1. apis-main get the data from emulator in the default setting. If emulator is not running this error occurs.
  2. apis-main cannot run alone and need to run emulator. Log file is in apis-main directory.
  3. The exchange is 1-to-1 and individual exchange is done by deal. If one unit join two deals, it seems that 1-to-2 or 2-to-1 is occuring. Deal information is in the left side of apis-main_controller (localhost:4382)