
hi,I have something wrong to run your code ,let me show the details.

xiexuliunian opened this issue · 0 comments

my env is python3 with mxnet 0.12.1

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 303, in <module>
    path + 'train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz', path + 'train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz')
  File "", line 106, in read_data
    with as flbl:
  File "", line 101, in download_data
    urllib.urlretrieve(url, fname)
AttributeError: module 'urllib' has no attribute 'urlretrieve'

I know that it is a little problem ,so I change urllib.urlretrieve with urllib.request.urlretrieve,then I have another problem

(mxnet) x@x:~/me/capsule/capsnet.mxnet$ python --devices gpu0
batch_size: 100
decay: 0.9
devices: gpu0
lr: 0.001
model_prefix: capsnet
num_epoch: 100
num_routing: 3
recon_loss_weight: 0.392
tblog_dir: tblog
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 338, in <module>
    final_net = capsnet(batch_size=args.batch_size/num_gpu, n_class=10, num_routing=args.num_routing, recon_loss_weight=args.recon_loss_weight)
  File "", line 56, in capsnet
    primarycaps.infer_shape(data=(batch_size, 1, 28, 28))
  File "/home/x/.local/virtualenvs/mxnet/lib/python3.5/site-packages/mxnet/symbol/", line 965, in infer_shape
    res = self._infer_shape_impl(False, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/x/.local/virtualenvs/mxnet/lib/python3.5/site-packages/mxnet/symbol/", line 1085, in _infer_shape_impl
    c_array_buf(mx_uint, array('I', sdata)),
TypeError: integer argument expected, got float

could you have time to help me understand why it happes?