
XivAlexander not working or appearing when loading game

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I haven't been able to get Alexander to appear in the background when playing FFxiv. Since 6.5 it appeared to run in the background. However, with the latest update, I cant update the opcodes manually (since the logs are not visible). I uninstalled and reinstalled and received the following error:

Thread: XivAlexander::App::XivAlexApp::CustomMessageLoopBody

Unexpected error occurred.

Code: 0xc0000005
Flags: 0x0
Address: C:\Users\sakou\AppData\Local\XivAlexander\XivAlexander64.dll+0xc097c
Param #0: 0
Param #1: 0
Stack trace:

  • C:\Users\sakou\AppData\Local\XivAlexander\XivAlexander64.dll+0xc097c: ReloadConfiguration
  • C:\Users\sakou\AppData\Local\XivAlexander\XivAlexander64.dll+0xc097c: ReloadConfiguration
  • C:\Users\sakou\AppData\Local\XivAlexander\XivAlexander64.dll+0x5b58b: XA_LoaderApp
  • C:\Users\sakou\AppData\Local\XivAlexander\XivAlexander64.dll+0x5cbfb: XA_LoaderApp
  • C:\Users\sakou\AppData\Local\XivAlexander\XivAlexander64.dll+0x156333: Dll::CheckPackageVersion
  • C:\Users\sakou\AppData\Local\XivAlexander\XivAlexander64.dll+0x15643a: Dll::CheckPackageVersion
  • C:\Users\sakou\AppData\Local\XivAlexander\XivAlexander64.dll+0x155e3c: Dll::CheckPackageVersion
  • C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL+0x1257d: BaseThreadInitThunk

I'm not sure what I need to do. I have attached the full log if anyone knows how to read it :/


Issue resolved.
Uninstalled/deleted in all locations (app data locations), re-installed, and followed normal instructions.