[bug] `draggable` params doesn't behave the same if it's not present vs undefined / null / empty / false
jamesst20 opened this issue · 1 comments
jamesst20 commented
SortableJS 1.15.2
Why this is trouble
I need to write a wrapper in my app that takes optional params like
type SortableItem = { position: number };
type UseSortableProps = { draggable?: string; handle?: string };
export const useSortable = ({ draggable, handle }: UseSortableProps) => {
new Sortable(node, {
animation: 150,
dragClass: "bg-slate-200",
ghostClass: "bg-slate-200",
onEnd: (e) => (items = updatePosition(items, e.oldIndex!, e.newIndex!, offset)),
I have an ugly workaround for now but I don't think this should behave like this.