
Can't Starting server

Closed this issue · 16 comments

/* Socket Configuration and Server Up */
[오류] 서버 세팅파일을 불러오는데 실패하였습니다. property\ (指定されたパスが見つかりません。)
	at Method)
	at constants.ServerConstants.<clinit>(
	at launcher.ServerPortInitialize.LoginServer.<clinit>(
	at launcher.Start.main(
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
	at launcher.ServerPortInitialize.LoginServer.run_startup_configurations(
	at launcher.Start.main(
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
	at provider.WzXML.XMLWZFile.fillMapleDataEntitys(
	at provider.WzXML.XMLWZFile.<init>(
	at provider.MapleDataProviderFactory.getWZ(
	at provider.MapleDataProviderFactory.getDataProvider(
	at launcher.LauncherHandlers.MapleLoginHelper.<init>(
	at launcher.LauncherHandlers.MapleLoginHelper.<clinit>(
	... 2 more
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "20200909104123.0"

Gentle reminder to either enclose in code blocks, or use a screenshot.
Can you double check that all files are properly downloaded, and the server settings file(s) are properly set?

oh, sorry I take a screenshot
hmm properly maybe.

So the property folder is properly downloaded?
Especially the file:
Could you try cloning/pulling again, and checking if the file is properly located?

(Also, gentle reminder that you will need to set the locale to Korean later, if you want to run the client. I believe yours is set to Japanese now?)

I think properties file is properly located.
hmm, I was change system locale to Korea I don't know why : (

That's strange. @Bratah123 any ideas?

Edit: noted from your timestamp details that it is already set to Korean locale (with Japanese system language), so that should be fine/properly set already.

and could you check this please?
is this correctly? : (

JDK is fine, I saw the JDK mentioned in the console readout already, that's why I didn't comment.
You're still getting the same error messages now?

hmm yes;;;
There was no error when I set this to the full path, will be works in that case?
like this.


can you try setting the working directory to:

My best guess is that because you set the working directory to AzureV316\AzureMS\src\launcher, it can't find the properties file via the property\ relative path.


Run -> Edit Configurations

oh!! this is errors...?

Don't worry, those aren't fatal errors. It just found extra files it doesn't need. Soul probably tried running it with a bunch of different JDKs before, that's why there's so many slf4j. (This is why Me/Brandon/Desc have advocated for Maven management 😒)

The fact that you can get the channels to load means it's good to go. You should be able to run a client and get into game now.

Flagging for closing since this issue seems resolved.

thank you so much, could I ask other things?
TAIGA_Redirector.exe is not work, I don't know why Firewall or untivirus somthing?
If you know please teach me : (

That might be out of the scope of this project (and there's not enough details to tell from your description).
Might want to divert that to Soul on Discord (in Azure #help) since he's the only one who has access to the source for that redirector. This open source project is only concerned with the server side.

Just a gentle reminder that the redirector is for localhost only - you can't connect from a different machine than the one the server is hosted on.

I'm sorry working!
thank you so much so many use time for me!
have a nice day!

No problem