
QR Code Generator! Made Using HTML, CSS, JS

Primary LanguageCSS

QR Code Generator

This is a simple QR Code Generator web application built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It allows users to generate a QR code for any given text or URL input. The QR code is generated using a public API and is displayed dynamically on the page.


  • Enter any text or URL to generate a QR code.
  • QR code will be displayed instantly upon clicking the "Generate QR Code" button.
  • Responsive and modern design with animation effects.
  • Error feedback for empty input.
  • Styled using Google Sans font and a clean interface.


You can view the working demo of the project here: Demo Link


QR Code Generator Screenshot

Technologies Used

  • HTML5 for structure.
  • CSS3 for styling and layout.
  • JavaScript for dynamic QR code generation.
  • QR Code API from QRServer to generate QR codes.

How to Use

  1. Clone this repository:
    git clone https://github.com/SoumyaEXE/QRCode.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd QRCode
  3. Open the index.html file in your browser to use the QR Code Generator.

Code Explanation


The basic structure of the webpage includes:

  • A text input field to accept the text or URL.
  • A button that triggers the QR code generation.
  • An image box that displays the generated QR code.


  • The page is styled using custom fonts, colors, and a modern layout.
  • Animations are used for error handling when no text is entered.
  • The layout is responsive to different screen sizes.


  • A function generateQR() is used to handle the QR code generation.
  • The input value is sent to the QR Code API to fetch the generated QR code.
  • Basic error handling is implemented when the input field is empty.

File Structure

├── index.html        # Main HTML file
├── style.css         # Stylesheet for the app
└── README.md         # Project documentation


Add some screenshots to show how the app looks!


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


GitHub: SoumyaEXE