
Error: "Array index out-of-bounds (index -1, limit 64)" in file store-loadouts.sp

Triggerhacks opened this issue · 3 comments

The store-loadouts.sp seems to have an error occur upon "Event_PlayerSpawn" on line 129.

This should easily be fixed by checking for "IsValidClient" instead of "IsFakeClient"

I fixed this in the attached script :)
(The attached script is in .txt instead of .sp as GitHub does not support .sp)

Hi, i am currently trying to install this plugin but i can't seem to get it to work, i don't underrstand the whole process of database etc, my logs gives no errors but the plugin itself doesnt work ingame. i tried to follow the main tutorrial guide but i can't figure it out i've tried almost anything. any help would be appricated! The guide:

Hi Krotius,

To use a plugin with a (MySQL) database you need to go to /addons/sourcemod/cfg/databases.cfg and add your database configuration as mentioned by the instructions. Make sure your connection info is correct for your database. If the issue persists please type sm plugins list in your server's console and copy-paste the output here in a pastebin.

Hi again, i tried to setup the database details i found in MySQL, but i just don't get it, how does it work why does it need a database, how is the database created? i put in the inforrrmation on cstrike/addons/sourcemod/configs/databases.cfg is that right or am i doing something totally wrong? in MySQL where do i find the exact data i need to put into the databases.cfg file?
here's the pastebin i see all the errors but if i check the logs all seems fine