
System Errors After using This Bot.

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Bot was working fine until i attempt to run the command !uacbypass with no success at all. Errors started appearing When clicking at Taskbar shortcuts as noted below:

C:\Windows\System32\fodhelper.exe | file will not open anymore | Error is now being shown, it seens whenever this file is clicked systems tries to locate the bot binary.exe for whatever reason. (There has been a registry change I believe ath the !uacbypass command.

If I attempt to Open Network and Internet Settings a Command Prompt opens and Error appears looking for the file.

Errors in video:

CMD has now Parameters set to it as shown in the image:: "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" /k start C:\Users%username%\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI60802\D:\Folder\Exercises\2 - Remote Access Trojan\dist\SecureXDRAT.exe

Registry Changes made by the bot:


Indeed the uacbypass command does some modifications to the registry with the fodhelper binary, This bypass used to work on my machine a while ago but I cannot confirm it still works.

This module is one of the only modules that has never been updated so it's probably really buggy

I have gotten some help with other person, it appear to be because I compiled it to .exe, it is intended to work with only .py scripts not been able to bypass .exe.

the fix for this issue is:

Here is the fix by moon825:

powershell Remove-Item "HKCU:\Software\Classes\ms-settings" -Recurse -Force