
Add Lyrics API Support?

ShayBox opened this issue · 2 comments

I found akashrchandran/spotify-lyrics-api which seems to use an "unofficial" Spotify API to get lyrics.

I also found Maxuss/verses which uses lyricstify/lyricstify's API, I haven't looked into their API code but I assume they do the same thing.

Is this something Ferrispot can support? I don't know what exactly the API responds with, but it seems spotify-lyrics-api is able to get LRC (which has a crate) with little PHP

Ferrispot will strictly interact with the Spotify Web API only. These lyrics tools call an undocumented Spotify endpoint outside the Web API and spoof themselves as web browsers, which means using the endpoint programmatically is prohibited by the Spotify terms of service. Unless Spotify adds an endpoint to the Web API to retrieve lyrics, I won't be adding support for it.

Understandable, Spotify denied my production application request three times already, so I'll handle the code in my project.

EDIT: I found MusixMatch has a free API which lets you search by Spotify ID, so there's no need to use the Spotify API