
Show calendar when clicking on date

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would it be possible or is there any way to get calendar, when clicking on date?

If you want to jump to a specific date, it take a long time to click trough the days.

Perhaps similar like "Energy Period Selector Plus" can be used for history-explorer-card?


As an alternative you can always 'zoom out' so you have say a year on the timeline, and the you can use the magnifying glass icon in zoom back in to the date range you want.
I realise this isn't exactly what you describe, but it would generally be faster than clicking through days one at a time.


thanks, this might be good, when you have the default 14 days data, but I have increased data to 730 days.
Right now I have ~9 month data and this will take too long.

For me a calendar or two date+time boxes were fantastic.