L.TileLayer.MVTSource Can't load vector tiles in .Pbf format published by GeoServer
githubhanjunjun opened this issue · 3 comments
githubhanjunjun commented
Leaflet version I'm using: 0.7.7
Browser (with version) I'm using: Google Edition 63.0.3239.132(Formal version) (32 Bit)
S/Platform (with version) I'm using: Win10 professional edition
1、The vector tiles of the polygon type .Pbf format is published in GeoServer
2、Loading through L.TileLayer.MVTSource
Hope to solve this problem
yippee2015 commented
HI @githubhanjunjun I also encountered this problem. Do you have a solution?
yippee2015 commented
@hallahan L.TileLayer.MVTSource Can't load vector tiles in .Pbf format published by GeoServer,Hope to solve this problem
hallahan commented
I recommend using MapboxGL instead of Leaflet.