
Android andronix & debian illegal instruction

iinta opened this issue · 4 comments

I got Motorola snapdragon with andronix debian( Linux)

Used your guide to get latest version but it says ' illegal instruction" I guess it's cos CPU. At compile should Include arm? Arc.

I'm no sw expert to compile this by myself and the linuxbrew denied co/operation would do it by myself..

The releases are targeting a lot of architectures. Have you tried this specific debian package?

[Detected OS: linux_amd64]

It seems like the OS detection is not doing a great job of detecting your OS, as you say you're running Debian. As you can see, the file fetched and installed is the following

What I suggest for you to get a working version going is to use this package instead, as it is the correct one for your OS:

Although, if the problem is an illegal instruction it might be that you're on ARM rather than x86. Try the Linux ARM packages in that case.

Yes though so that the CPU architecture was the problem because the error message.
. Just followed the instructions, it is modified version from Google play.
Thanks for the arm link trying that.