
Error compressing files.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello, i'm trying to send a file using the command portal --verbose send E01.mp4, however it fails almost instantly with the only output being "Error compressing files."
What would be a good way to diagnose what's causing the issue? as even verbose mode doesn't say anything in particular

That is strange, I think in that case errors during the compression stage do not propagate to stderr. If you are willing to share this file with us (if it's not private), I will have a look at it.

The problem doesn't seem to come from the file, i tried on another PC and it could transfer just fine.
I restarted the original PC, and this time the compression worked, no idea what could've caused the issue before the restart
I can't seem to reproduce the error anymore, so this is somewhat solved i guess? I'll close the issue