
Timeout while checkout Fuelux 3.1.0-wip from Bower

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Following the README I have setup bower.json as follow:

    "name": "PlantillaBundle",
    "dependencies": {
        "jquery": "1.11.1",
        "jquery-migrate": "latest",
        "bootstrap": "latest",
        "font-awesome": "latest",
        "bootstrapvalidator": "0.5.2",
        "pwstrength-bootstrap": "latest",
        "select2": "latest",
        "fuelux": "3.1.0-wip",
        "moment": "latest",
        "x-editable": "latest",
        "datatables": "latest",
        "bootbox": "latest",
        "bootstrap-multiselect": "latest",
        "bootstrap-table": "latest"

And at config.yml the config is this one:

        PlantillaBundle: ~
    install_on_warmup: true
    allow_root: true
    keep_bowerrc: true
        enabled: false
        nest_dependencies: false

Any time I try to run the command sp:bower:install or sp:bower:update I got this error:

The process "'/usr/bin/bower' '--allow-root' 'update'" exceeded the
timeout of 600 seconds.

I tried setting the timeout on the .bowerrc but it's overwrited by bundle since the error persiste and I don't know what else to do. Here is the log for the command output, can any give me some ideas?