
Remember Filters And Settings In Group Management Pane

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Feature Description:

When working in the Group Management pane I am already able to select an object and choose "Open in Explore View".
When finishing analysis in the Explore Pane, I would like to be able to immediately switch back to the same Group Management view i left before.

Current Behavior:

Currently you can press back in your browser to get back to the Group Management Pane. But the pane forgot selected filters and the customization of number of rows to show in the table view.

Desired Behavior:

The Group Management Pane should remember the last set filters and settings at least during an active session. An (probably) easys to implement alternative is to open the Explorer view in a new browser tab.

Use Case:

Quality of Life improvement for analysts that need to switch between the Group Management and Explorer view.

Implementation Suggestions:

The Group Management Pane should remember the last set filters and settings at least during an active session. An (probably) easys to implement alternative is to open the Explorer view in a new browser tab.