
Full options documentation

bicf opened this issue · 4 comments

bicf commented

In the options documentation there're a lot of "e.g.".

For example I found some code snippet set style with sbrief.

Can you add to the documentation the full matrix of possibilities?

bicf commented

I've found what I was looking for, but it's a copy&paste from an unknow doc:

locale | modality | domain     | style
base   | speech   | mathspeak | brief, default, sbrief
it     | speech   | clearspeak | AbsoluteValue_Auto, AbsoluteValue_AbsEnd, AbsoluteValue_Cardinality, AbsoluteValue_Determinant
       |          |            | Bar_Auto, Bar_Conjugate
       |          |            | Caps_Auto, Caps_SayCaps
       |          |            | CombinationPermutation_Auto, CombinationPermutation_ChoosePermute
       |          |            | Currency_Auto, Currency_Position, Currency_Prefix
       |          |            | Ellipses_Auto, Ellipses_AndSoOn
       |          |            | Enclosed_Auto
       |          |            | Exponent_Auto, Exponent_AfterPower, Exponent_Ordinal, Exponent_OrdinalPower
       |          |            | Fraction_Auto, Fraction_EndFrac, Fraction_FracOver, Fraction_General, Fraction_GeneralEndFrac, Fraction_Ordinal, Fraction_Over, Fraction_OverEndFrac, Fraction_Per
       |          |            | Functions_Auto, Functions_None, Functions_Reciprocal
       |          |            | ImpliedTimes_Auto, ImpliedTimes_MoreImpliedTimes, ImpliedTimes_None
       |          |            | Log_Auto, Log_LnAsNaturalLog
       |          |            | Matrix_Auto, Matrix_Combinatoric, Matrix_EndMatrix, Matrix_EndVector, Matrix_SilentColNum, Matrix_SpeakColNum, Matrix_Vector
       |          |            | MultiLineLabel_Auto, MultiLineLabel_Case, MultiLineLabel_Constraint, MultiLineLabel_Equation, MultiLineLabel_None, MultiLineLabel_Row, MultiLineLabel_Step
       |          |            | MultiLineOverview_Auto, MultiLineOverview_None
       |          |            | MultiLinePausesBetweenColumns_Auto, MultiLinePausesBetweenColumns_Long, MultiLinePausesBetweenColumns_Short
       |          |            | MultsymbolDot_Auto
       |          |            | MultsymbolX_Auto
       |          |            | Paren_Auto, Paren_CoordPoint, Paren_Interval, Paren_Silent, Paren_Speak, Paren_SpeakNestingLevel
       |          |            | Prime_Auto, Prime_Angle, Prime_Length
       |          |            | Roots_Auto, Roots_PosNegSqRoot, Roots_PosNegSqRootEnd, Roots_RootEnd
       |          |            | SetMemberSymbol_Auto, SetMemberSymbol_Belongs, SetMemberSymbol_Element, SetMemberSymbol_Member
       |          |            | Sets_Auto, Sets_SilentBracket, Sets_woAll
       |          |            | TriangleSymbol_Auto, TriangleSymbol_Delta
       |          |            | Trig_Auto, Trig_ArcTrig, Trig_TrigInverse, Trig_Reciprocal
       |          |            | VerticalLine_Auto, VerticalLine_Divides, VerticalLine_Given, VerticalLine_SuchThat
       |          | mathspeak  | brief, default, sbrief
       |          | default    | alternative, default, plural
       | prefix   | default    | default
       | summary  | default    | default
       |          | mathspeak  | brief, sbrief

Is this table part of this project's documentation?

The easiest is to get the latest version of that document using the CLI with the --opt-all option. I've put a copy of the latest output on a wiki page.

You might find the following MathJax speech demo useful, where you can play with most of the options.

bicf commented

The easiest is to get the latest version of that document using the CLI with the --opt-all option. I've put a copy of the latest output on a wiki page.

It's exactly what I was looking for.