GetTicketsByOrganizationID is not Mapping correctly the Ticket Priority
developersheat opened this issue · 3 comments
Hi we are using the method GetTicketsByOrganizationID but is failing to return the Ticket Priority always returns null
GroupTicketResponse : GroupResponseBase
IList<Ticket> Tickets
public string Priority
I ran a test case and I am not seeing the same issue. Please, check that you are setting the value as there is not a default and using the allowed values based on the docks If you are still having the issue, please create a test case that can replicate the issue and submit a PR.
Hi Elizabeth
I'm still seeing the issue calling the method, no transformation calling GetTicketsByOrganizationID the GroupTicketResponse has data in the Tickets collection but all the property Priority is coming in Null, and in Zendesk there are priorities assigned
Thanks Pedro
Ok, please try and create a test case replicating the issue. Once I have a failing test case I can try and fix the issue.