RaidenMK opened this issue · 0 comments
RaidenMK commented
¤ Groups:
- Make android version have same features as speek version 1.7.0 for PC (aka groups options etc, you know).
- Option to turn on/off this encryption in paranthesis beside nickname in a group. (IF possible)
- When you create a group,only the one who can create the room can rename the group
- When you make a group,a random .onion web link is automatically created (Which changes every time you make a group).
- Moderation (with commands to kick,mute and a command to see list of commands)
- Prefixes on users that shows who is a member,guests,moderator,owner
¤ When opening the window:
- Make it so that the Group Host window opens in 1 single window (maybe in a tab or something)
¤ Speek.Chat itself:
- Possible to synch account on PC with Speek on android so we can use same account both on PC and android.
- Make it so the the person or the group doesnt go offline in any way when the phone goes into sleep mode or lock mode.
¤ Profile photo:
- Make it possible to set a profile picture on PC version of speek,so that when you set it via speek on PC version,it will show you the profile picture on the added user on other persons speek app.
-- Example: Lets say John uses speek on PC and added a user called Tony and Tony added John on his PC and John want to add his profile picture,then Tony would then see John's profile picture,and same with if Tony added his own profile picture it wpould show his own photo on john's friendslist. Same goes for when users are in group as well