
PlatformIO Write Delay

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Is it possible to impose the same write delay on PlatformIO that's available for the Arduino IDE? Using a FTDI as a updi 230400 seems to be the max achievable speed yet on the arduino ide I can flash at 921600 with zero issues. I could not find any options available for this but perhaps I just missed something?

platform = atmelmegaavr
board = ATtiny402
framework = arduino
upload_protocol = serialupdi
upload_speed = 230400
upload_flags =
upload_command = pymcuprog write --erase $UPLOAD_FLAGS --filename $SOURCE

I just found tools/prog.py and using it as a custom command I am able to flash at 921600
I do think that should somehow getting added to platformio since it seems to work much better then flashing with upload_protocol = serialupdi

on further inspection it looks like even with prog.py its failing to flash at high speeds but falls back to the default low speed.