
Specific reason why JSON-LD issuance is not supported?

TimoGlastra opened this issue · 2 comments

There is a check in the VC issuer that explicitly marks JSON-LD as not being supported yet.

Is there a reason this is the case? By making the following change everything seems to work:

class VcIssuer {
             let preAuthorizedCode;
             let issuerState;
             try {
-                if (credentialRequest.format !== 'jwt_vc_json' && credentialRequest.format !== 'jwt_vc_json-ld' && credentialRequest.format !== 'vc+sd-jwt') {
+                if (credentialRequest.format !== 'jwt_vc_json' && credentialRequest.format !== 'jwt_vc_json-ld' && credentialRequest.format !== 'vc+sd-jwt' && credentialRequest.format !== 'ldp_vc') {
                     throw Error(`Format ${credentialRequest.format} not supported yet`);
                 else if (typeof this._jwtVerifyCallback !== 'function' && typeof jwtVerifyCallback !== 'function') {

So now I'm wondering if there's any checks missing for JSON-LD? It seems the request is properly validated, and the credentialSubject is set.

No that is just an omission. The issuer for sure supports JSON json-ld

Ah cool! I'll make a PR then