
Auto-Placement 2

Closed this issue · 5 comments


I am allowing myself to open a new issue in case a message on a closed thread would not notify you.
I have the exact same issue as #8 and I would like to know if it is possible today to fix that problem?
In my case, I have different panels with the possibility to change elements' colors and those panels have a scroll bar because of their size. That's why the color picker is halfway in the panel and hidden.

Thanks for your answer!

One way would be to hijack the picker's openHandler() method and adjust the settings.popup keyword (top/bottom/left/right) to what fits better before actually opening the popup. Here is an example that just picks a random position:

const picker = ...

picker.__originalOpenHandler = picker.openHandler;
picker.openHandler = function(e) {
    const randomPlacement = ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'][Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)];
    this.settings.popup = randomPlacement;

For a more advanced example, please see #24 which deals with something similar.

oh noes, writing to the wrong chat. Comment moved to #24

This is what looked like my problem, with the default positiojn of the picker: https://imgur.com/NjzRDOm
And your answer helped me to find a really easy solution, which was to change the default position from right to top, which makes the picker to fit my panel: https://imgur.com/tid1KQJ
But I would have loved to have this exact behaviour in all of my panels, disregarding the scrolling bar: https://imgur.com/le11kRc

I have initialized a bunch of pickers and this is what one of them looks like, with your solution:

$('#blkbc').click(function() {
    let parent = document.querySelector('#attach-lcp2');
    let picker = new Picker(parent);

    // picker.openHandler();

    picker.__originalOpenHandler = picker.openHandler;
    picker.openHandler = function(e) {
        this.settings.popup = 'top';

    picker.onClose = function(color) {

    picker.onDone = function(color) {
        for (let i = 0; i < templateJson.blocks[rowId].columns[colId].navitems.length; i++) {
            if (templateJson.blocks[rowId].columns[colId].navitems[i].id == lastElementIdClicked) {
                templateJson.blocks[rowId].columns[colId].navitems[i].css.backgroundcolor = color.rgbaString;

        $('#'+lastElementIdClicked).css('background-color', color.rgbaString);


I create the picker when I click a special button and destroy it when it's closed, whether the button close was clicked or not, I change the UI and save it in a JSON.

Anyway, thanks a lot because it's fixed but if never a solution to have the same behaviour in screen 1 as in screen 3, hit me up :D

A couple of tips:

  1. If you simply want all your pickers in the top position, you don't need to mess with openHandler(). Just pass the position in the options when you create a picker:
      let picker = new Picker({
          parent: parent,
          popup: 'top',
  1. To get the behavior in screen 3, see the solution for #24. In short, you use the page body as parent and move the picker around using a custom CSS class.

Oh, I get it, thanks for your help!