
setColor() fires onChange()

Closed this issue · 3 comments

It's pretty much as the title suggest.

In my project, I offer a separate input field to type a hex code and I use setColor() to sync it to the color picker. The only issue is that I also use the onChange() to do a bunch of stuff too but the setColor() fires it.

This leads to unexpected behavior...

How can I use setColor() and not fire onChange() simultaneously?

Sorry, you can't. But you can tell yourself that you are currently syncing colors, so the onChange handler doesn't have to do anything. For example:

var justSyncingColors = false;

justSyncingColors = true;
justSyncingColors = false;

function myChangeHandler(color) {
    if(justSyncingColors) { return; }

Maybe a silent parameter in setColor() would be a good idea for a later release..

I see.

Thanks for the suggestion and yes a silent feature would be most appreciated.

Fixed in v2.4.0