
Null on Discord

Envqu opened this issue · 3 comments

Envqu commented

Hi. I disabled some messages but its still show null in channel.

  kick:      ""
  note:      ""
  jail:      ""
  ban:       "{embed:ban}"
  tempban:   "{embed:tempban}"
  mute:      ""
  tempmute:  ""
  banip:     "{embed:banip}"
  tempbanip: "{embed:tempbanip}"
  warn:      ""
  tempwarn:  ""
  unbanip:   ""
  unwarn:    ""
  unmute:    ""
  unban:     ""
  unnote:    ""
  unjail:    ""

# The plugin used for manage the punishments
# Possible values:
#     auto        = Auto detect
#     advancedban = Use AdvancedBan
#     litebans    = Use LiteBans
#     maxbans     = Use MaxBansPlus
#     libertybans = Use LibertyBans
punishment-manager: LiteBans

# The plugin used for manage the jails (spigot-only)
# Possible values:
#     off         = Do not use this
#     essentials  = Use EssentialsX
#     betterjails = Use BetterJails 
jail-manager: off

# If it's set to false, the punishments made
#    with the '-s' flag of LiteBans will be sent anyways.
ignore-silent: false

# Name to show when the console does stuff
console-name: "Console"

# When a punishment expires this text will be added to the staff name
# for example:
# "X was unbanned by StaffName (Automatic)"
automatic: "Automatic"

# Do not change this or i'll eat your cookies
config-version: 4


Hi, thank you for reporting this issue, I will look into the code for a fix

Try to set the string to a single-space, that could work as a workaround at the moment

So instead of "" you put " "

Envqu commented

Thanks. Now its working 👍