
BanAnnouncer not showing thumbnail for tempmute/mute

Pabsb opened this issue · 4 comments

Pabsb commented

Embed for discord is not showing image thumbnail only for Mutes / tempmutes

Shows up perfectly fine in https://leovoel.github.io/embed-visualizer/ the code below but in discord it doesn't show the thumbnail. Shows it for ban/tempban/ipban/tempipban/warn etc but just not for mutes and temp mutes.

  "embed": {
    "title": "Temp Mute",
    "description": "Player: `%player%`\n Temp muted by: `%staff%`\n Reason: `%reason%`\n Duration: `%duration%`",
    "color": 16741235,
    "thumbnail": {
    "url": "https://i.imgur.com/9a59cGg.png"

Hello, please send me the mute.json & ban.json files into a .zip archive, so I can have the original file of the one that does not work and the other that does work, I can't debug it if you just copy&paste the file contents, I need the original files.

Interesting, try using a different image for the mute embed, it is probably not displayed because Discord thinks it may be inappropriate 🤔 happened a lot to me with parrot images, Discord thinks they are NSFW.

First link loads nothing inside Discord, but in the browser it does 🤷‍♀️ not sure why but could be because what I said above ⬆️

Just use a different image then