
SpaceCompany made into a desktop app

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Currently broken



SpaceCompany Desktop

A desktop version of the game SpaceCompany, made by Sparticle999


Space Company is a science-fiction incremental game where you start from humble beginnings on Earth, working your way up to travelling between star systems and building Dyson Spheres and pretty much colonizing the entire galaxy(ies?)

My Idea

The idea of this project is to turn SpaceCompany into a desktop application.
You should check out the SpaceCompany Mobile App made by migue1s

This are not recommended

How To Install The Game

Open up the code directory in the terminal and type

npm install

Once that is done, type

npm start

How To Build

To build the application for your platform, run

npm run build



  • Restyled the menu bar
  • Added a main menu page
  • Added keyboard shortcuts esc for the main menu, CTRL S to save the game, CTRL C to clear all notifications
  • Moved the help, credits, settings, and main menu pages all to the games index.html
  • Fixed the loading screen
  • Started work on redesigning the UI
  • Moved the energy defect to the bottom left of the screen (This is temporary)

To Do

  • Remove the Bar at top of screen as Sparticle999 calls it
  • Fix the loading screen flash.
  • Redesign the ui (still using bootstrap) to make it feel more like a desktop program.
  • Make the menu bar on the 'webpage' rather than the 'program window' so you can access it in fullscreen
  • Redesign the credits and help pages


  • Added the help and credits pages to the menu bar (under help)
  • Added a load game from save data button in the menu under 'Game'
  • Added 'Home' button to go back to the game from a differant page (till i make new pages into a new window rather than the same window)
  • Started work on making a custom menu bar (as seen in the credits.html page)


  • Made the title bar display the autosave seconds
  • Added a node module that replaces the use of
  • The Delete game save button now works
  • Changed the file structure to be a little more neat
  • Watched hermitcraft while coding :)
  • Started work on adding the help and credits pages
  • Added a save keyboard shortcut. Use Command/ Ctrl + S and it will save the game
  • Sort of fixed the loading screen by extending its delay by 50ms

Links & Credits

Mainly notes for me:

Autosave seconds set title

// This is what to put before the time left
document.title = companyName + " Company - Autosaving in " +

Using jquery

<!-- this goes in the index.html file, at the bottom with all the script tags -->
<script>window.$ = window.jQuery = require('jquery');</script>

vex-js js prompt replacement

<link rel="stylesheet" href="game/vex.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="game/vex-theme-os.css" />

This goes in any js file that uses the prompt() function

// This goes in any js file that uses the `prompt()` function
const vex = require('vex-js');
vex.defaultOptions.className = 'vex-theme-os'

Game save delete

instance.deleteSave = function() {
    var deleteSave;
        message: "Are you sure you want to delete this save? It is irreversible! If so, type 'DELETE' into the box.",
        placeholder: 'DELETE',
        callback: function (value) {
            deleteSave = value;
            if(deleteSave === "DELETE") {
                vex.dialog.alert("Deleted Save");
            } else {
                vex.dialog.alert("Deletion Cancelled");