
error starting the tcp server on ports

jaaabir opened this issue · 0 comments

note: i am running it as root user
even if i stop the apache server and run the responder its giving me the same error:

[!] Error starting TCP server on port 80, check permissions or other servers running.
[!] Error starting SSL server on port 443, check permissions or other servers running.
[!] Error starting TCP server on port 445, check permissions or other servers running.
[!] Error starting TCP server on port 139, check permissions or other servers running.
[!] Error starting UDP server on port 88, check permissions or other servers running.
[!] Error starting TCP server on port 88, check permissions or other servers running.
[!] Error starting TCP server on port 1433, check permissions or other servers running.
[!] Error starting TCP server on port 21, check permissions or other servers running.
[!] Error starting TCP server on port 110, check permissions or other servers running.
[!] Error starting TCP server on port 389, check permissions or other servers running.
[!] Error starting TCP server on port 25, check permissions or other servers running.
[!] Error starting TCP server on port 143, check permissions or other servers running.
[!] Error starting TCP server on port 587, check permissions or other servers running.
[!] Error starting UDP server on port 53, check permissions or other servers running.
[+] Listening for events...
[!] Error starting TCP server on port 53, check permissions or other servers running.