
Can't find stylesheet to import

Ponkhy opened this issue · 8 comments

Hey, I wanted to migrate to Cirrus 0.7.0, unfortunately i'm facing this issue rn, maybe someone has a idea what i could do?


I'm using Nuxt.js 2.15.8
With Cirrus 0.6.3 i was manually importing every .scss file, but i thougth i should do it now in the good way.

So i tried to import it with

@use "node_modules/cirrus-ui/src/cirrus-ext" as * with (
    $config: (
        excludes: (
        opacity: null, // Disable default opacity classes
        extend: (
            // Add your own
            opacity: (
                25: .25,
                50: .5,
                75: .75,

and the file is definitely in the node_modules folder :/

Thanks for the bug report! I have reproduced it myself and will be publishing a patch version very soon to fix this with version 0.7.0.-patch1.

This has been fixed in the new version. Please feel free to install it again.

Yes it does work! Thank you very much for the quick fix!

I'm having a very similar issue on cirrus-ui 0.7.2-patch.1, using SASS CLI 1.75.0:

> sass assets/css/app.scss public/app.css

Error: Can't find stylesheet to import.
5 │ @use 'sass-true/sass/config/throw';
  │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  node_modules/cirrus-ui/src/internal/_functions.scss 5:1  @forward
  node_modules/cirrus-ui/src/internal/_index.scss 3:1      @forward
  node_modules/cirrus-ui/src/cirrus-ext.scss 1:1           @use
  assets/css/app.scss 1:1                                  root stylesheet

My app.scss:

@use "../../node_modules/cirrus-ui/src/cirrus-ext" as * with (
  $config: ()