
Do not hard-code Google Fonts

phoerious opened this issue · 3 comments

The Nunito and Montserrat Google font @ imports are hardcoded in base/font.scss, which causes a lot of privacy and some performance issues. I would like to be able to host fonts myself and perhaps even use different fonts than the default ones.

+1 for this, because it's especially important for people who reside inside the EU and in particular Germany from a legal standpoint. We have stringent data privacy laws (GDPR) here and more and more courts are ruling in such a way, that using anything directly from google (including google fonts!) without user consent is basically illegal.

My workaround right now is to remove/comment the imports out inside base/font.scss and add the fonts myself via fontsource later, but it would be great if we could tell Cirrus directly to use a local package/stylesheet or something similar. At least provide an option to disable those font-imports.

Thanks for the suggestion! I agree with this. The future update was going to introduce the ability to change fonts so this would fit very well. I'll add this on the roadmap for 0.7.1.

Resolved with dfaadb1