
:city_sunset: An experimental image zooming library.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple JavaScript library for turning images into zoomable components.

Getting Started


  • This version will no longer get new updates and is only here for legacy browsers. New features will be added in ES6 version.
  • For now, download the minified version of the library in the dist folder and add a script tag to your page.
    <script src='../../dist/vanilla/focus.min.js'></script>
  • After adding the tag to the page, initialize the library with a config object (params could be excluded).
            elementID: '',
            zoomFactor: '250%'
    • To change the scope of elements that focus.js applies to, assign the parent id to the elementID field to target its children. Otherwise, a blank string would apply it to the entire page.
  • Add the focus-img class to any image you want to be zoomable.
  • To reduce stuttering on the image, add the smoother class to the images you want.


  • To use this, ensure that babel, babel-loader, babel-preset-es2015, and webpack are installed as dependencies for your project.
  • Also, an unpacked version of focus.js will also be needed which can be found in ./dist/es6/focus.js.
  • For your entry script (app.js for example), ensure to import FocusImage from focus.js.
    import FocusImage from './YOUR_DIR/focus'
  • To construct a new FocusImage instance, create a config object and pass it into the constructor.
    let config = {
        imageSrc: 'https://source.unsplash.com/category/nature/1024x768',
        parentElement: null,
        zoomFactor: '250%',
        smoother: true,
        width: '100%', // Scale to parent component by default
        height: '66.7%', // Scale to percent of height by default
        cursor: '', // Leave blank for default cursor
        displayLoc: true,
        displayZoom: true,
        zoomOnScroll: true,
    new FocusImage(config); // Object will automatically be appended to the parent element
  • In any page that uses focus.js, ensure to include the packed version of your app APP_NAME.min.js.
  • Ensure that the files for focus.js can be found in your routing configuration.
  • To run, execute node ./YOUR_DIR/route.js or your custom script.


Class Description
.cursor-arrow Uses the default arrow cursor for the component.
.cursor-grab Uses the grab cursor for the component (for when panning by dragging is supported).
.cursor-crosshair Uses a crosshair cursor for the component.



  • Add option for changing image scaling with mouse wheel.
  • Add more events such as mouseclick, grab, and toggle.
  • Add support for callbacks on image load, zooming in, and zooming out.
  • Add option to change cursor type.
  • Add display for magnification and location.
  • Add support for external toggles.