
Trouble loading probe file in SI

Closed this issue · 5 comments

so I have the following probe file (named probe1.prb) for a single electrode recording with one channel.
total_nb_channels = 15000
radius = 250
channel_groups = {
1 : {
'channels': list(range(1)),
'graph' : [],
'geometry' :{
0 :[ 0,0],

I've tried running:
probe = pi.read_prb('probe1.prb') to load the file

I then try to save it so that I can pass it to the sorter (in this case herding spikes) :
recording_prb = data.Probe(probe) and get the following error:

AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [44], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 recording_prb = data.Probe(probe)

AttributeError: 'File' object has no attribute 'Probe'

I have tried the following as well:

recording_prb = data.pi.read_prb("probe1.prb") and get the same error message. Any help would be appreciated!

Hi @nasnass

How are you saving the probe? What is data? Can you paste your script?

Also note that herding spikes is not designed for single channels!

Thank you for the hint about herding spikes! I am also trying to sort the data using spyking circus.

Data is the data that is being used -hdf file which is read in using : data = h5py.File(filename, 'r')

I think saving the probe is exactly my problem, there was another issue open on this matter, however I tried the steps there and it didn't resolve my problem.

probe = pi.read_prb('probe1.prb') ##reading probe
data_prb = data.Probe(probe) ##setting the probe to the data file

Ok, so the issue is that data is an h5py.File object and it has no Probe field. What you get from reading with probeinterface in addition is a probeinterface.Probe object, which cannot be added to an h5 file. I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to do. Are you using spikeinterface to run spike sorting?

In that case, I would suggest you use either WaveClus or combinato as sorters, as they where designed for single-channel recordings. Also, for these kind of recordings you don't really need a probe file, because it doesn't add any information (geometry is needed when the sorters use it as an additional information). WaveClus and combinato don't need it.

And also "probe" in herdingspikes is a differents meaning than "probe" in spikeinterface.
In HS, prtobe is the equivalent of "recording+probe attached" in SI.

You should not use HS directly but use run_sorter('herdinspikes', recording, output_folder='/...') from spikeinetrface to avoid confusion.