
read_probeinterface() does not read in device_channel_indices

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ThetaS commented


I got this problem when attempting to attach a probe read in using read_probeinterface(). Since I have only one probe, I first convert the read in probegroup to dataframe then instantiate a Probe object from dataframe. The .json file was able to retain the device indices I saved but the read in function didn't take this column in as it was not in the dataframe. Is there something I misunderstood and did wrong, or it was a glitch of the function?


Hi @ThetaS.
Can you share the piece of code to generate the probe + the dataframe + the json file ?

ThetaS commented

Thanks for the response and sorry for the delay! Sure, here are the code snippets:

This is the calling from my analysis code:

I'm working with the UCLA Masmanidis probes and had quite a hard to generate the probe map because they are checkerboard patterned and multi-shank. Hope I didn't miss any shortcuts and solutions for handling this problem.

Thank you very much.



ThetaS commented

This is the CSV associated. Basically, the information from the Masmanidis lab's Matlab program and the wiring configuration to Intan 128 headstage.

For the calling part, I tried ndim = 2 and 3, both didn't work.


You have device_channel_ids, in probeinterface it should device_channel_indices and it should be starting from 0.
So a zero-based index and not an "id" (identifier).
contact_id = id = str or int = zeros-based orone-based
device_channel_indices = index = zero-based in the python ecosystem

ThetaS commented

Thank you very much for solving this problem and explain the backend logic! When plotting this probe I'm also a bit confused with the "plane axes" parameter. I don't think the doc explain this concept very well. Suppose my probe is 2D, may I know how this parameter is supposed to be tuned?

Again, thank you very much for the feedback.

The plan axes is a bit more complicated. This is used internally for rotation. And so not so well documentated.

On this example : https://probeinterface.readthedocs.io/en/main/examples/ex_08_more_plotting_examples.html#sphx-glr-examples-ex-08-more-plotting-examples-py
you can see that some some probe are rotated. In that case you should inspect the plane_axes and you will understand how this is used.

By default, you should not use this plan_axes and everything should be OK and with no rotation.

ThetaS commented

Yes, I tried deleting the plane_axes parameter and the plotting works. But the previous question, I tried the keyword "device_channel_indices" and zero-based my indices and it failed to work.


The save part is the same as above, key modifications are shown in the images.

I think the problem is how you're setting the probe in SpikeInterface!

You need to use in_place=True if you want to modify an existing object. Otherwise the set_probe/probegroup will return a separate object (see here: https://spikeinterface.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/core.html#handling-probes)

Basically you can do:

data.set_probegroup(probe, group_mode="by_shank", in_place=True)
# or
daa_w_probe = data.set_probegroup(probe, group_mode="by_shank") 
# then continue with data_w_probe