
Making a probegroup from two of the same cambridge neurotech probes

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Quick question about making probe groups with Cambridge neurotech probes. Cambridge neurotech allows people to buy a probe, eg an H7, or to buy same probe double so two H7s glued together. Currently I make probe, wire it and then since the other probe is an exact duplicate I just deep copy that probe. Then I set_device_indices as the same as the original probe but offset by the appropriate number of channels (& do the same for the contact numbers. Then I add the original probe and the duplicated (but offset probe) to a probegroup.

Is there a smarter way to do this?

probe = pi.get_probe(manufacturer = 'cambridgeneurotech', probe_name = 'ASSY-77-H7')
probe1.move([400,0]) # shift so they aren't on top of each other

#offset channel_indices since they are exactly modulo 64
channel_indices = probe.device_channel_indices
probe1.set_device_channel_indices(channel_indices + 64) 

#offset the contact_ids since they are modulo 64
contact_ids = probe.contact_ids
new_contact = []
for idx in range(len(contact_ids)):
new_contacts= np.array(new_contact)

multishank = pi.ProbeGroup()


Then I just sort by probe_group in spikeinterface. But if there is an easier way to do this I would be happy to switch this or if I made a wrong step I would also be super happy to be corrected!

Hi @zm711

  • Instead of deepcopy, you can use probe1 = probe.copy()
  • you don't need to reset contact_ids, as we removed the (wrong) requirement that contact ids need to be unique across probes in a probegroup (see here)
  • for wiring, alternatively you could wire the entire probegroup directly:
wiring = pi.wiring.pathways["ASSY-77>Adpt.A64-Om32_2x-sm-NN>RHD2164"]
wiring_group = wiring + list(np.array(wiring) + 64)

multishank = pi.ProbeGroup()


Thanks @alejoe91, I will try that as soon my raw file is done reading and close when I test :). Thanks, I figured you guys would have an easier way to do rather than hacking my way through it.

@alejoe91, the clone() is failing?

probe1 = probe.clone()
Traceback (most recent call last):

  Cell In[8], line 1
    probe1 = probe.clone()

AttributeError: 'Probe' object has no attribute 'clone'

Out[9]: '0.2.19'

Is it suppose to be probe.copy() instead?

Is it suppose to be probe.copy() instead?

Yes! Sorry about that! (I'll edit my comment so that it's clearer)

Cool cool. I'm running the sorting now, but seems to be working and is way simpler. Thanks @alejoe91 :)