
Florian2007 rate XOR experiments far too slow.

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Currently, the rate XOR experiments in florian2007.ipynb are far too slow at about 240s / run. This needs to be ~doubled.

  • Get time to <= 120s.

Improve speed of STDP implementation.

  • Remove decay multiplier and put all into the where
  • Move clip to weights and speed up // weights get clipped too many times
  • Force spike_log and inhibitory types to be respected
  • Reorganize STDP math for fastest matrix matrix
  • Switch from idx lists to masks

Parameter Normalization

  • Normalize spike_log so that spike_log[-1] always is ??? and is of length ??? in network, synapse, ...
  • Normalize inhibitory location parameter usages(bool with 1=? and 0=?) in neurons, synapses, weights, ...
  • Streamline the bool and float copy of spike log in network.tick - ensure allows variable spike magnitudes for readouts and rewards