Where is op-rabbit-upickle published?
giannoug opened this issue · 1 comments
I can't seem to find op-rabbit-upickle
under https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.spingo
Also docs are gone: https://op-rabbit.github.io/docs/index.html#com.spingo.op_rabbit.upickleSupport$
Is this an issue or am I missing something?
Looks like some artifacts are not yet published. Pehaps we are missing a new release @timcharper ?
Looking at https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/spingo/ it seems there are no published artifacts for op-rabbit-upickle
on sonatype.
@giannoug if you are using scala 2.12 one thing you can try is using op-rabbit artifacts from jitpack, latest commit ae1ee45044 artifacts can be pulled from there.
@timcharper I've also sent a PR #193 for building cross-version artifacts on jitpack, so that even if we haven't have releases people can still download them for scala 2.13 and 2.12.