
Why PERL ?

X-Ryl669 opened this issue · 1 comments

Awesome idea. I was wondering why you used PERL as a programming language ?
I'd have expected Python to be a lot more easier to use and interact with slicers.

Can you describe the process a bit more so it's easier to understand what's going on ?
So far, I've understood that the process is a bit like this:

  1. The model is opened (OBJ or STL) and you get a list of vertices and faces
  2. You map the vertices to a different space (this part needs more documentation, if possible)
  3. You write a STL with the updated vertices position
  4. You ask a slicer to slice the model
  5. You open the output gcode and (this part I don't understand how) you get the vertices back
  6. You unmap the vertices to cartesian space and output the unmapped' gcode

Can you confirm ?

Perl: slicer4rtn needs a lot of regular expressions, in Perl it's often one-liner match/if, whereas in Python takes 3 lines to do the same.

Regarding functionality, visit my xyzdims.com as I extensively described it at https://xyzdims.com/2021/02/26/3d-printing-conic-slicing-for-rotating-tilted-nozzle-rtn/ and other articles incl. other non-planar slicing methods.

  1. the G-code is parsed, and coordinates are remapped (not the vertices) and extrusion is calculated, thereby new G-code is generated