
the getRequestPath does not allow something like resource/id?option=foo

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I've been trying to send the access_token in the url without success. Checking and the source code I could see the getRequestPath function does not transforms properly the criteria.

Going back to my example, sending query parameters and and ID to fetch a resource is not possible.

doing something like apiEndpoint.find('users', 1, {token: asdasdads}); only returns users/1; the access option is lost.

usually one can do {id:1, token:rytr} instead. can.t you?

ps: criteria is for the uri and options for fetch options eg headers

{id:1, token:rytr} will generate ?id=....&token=.....

yes, that's what i meant. your server doesn't accept that?

well it's a restful api.

well, i think there would be two options. use find(path/id, criteria) or we add a findOne(path, id, criteria)